October 26, 2016 12:07 pm
Published by caseroom2020
One of the nicest things about being part of The Caseroom Press is the larger community of people that it brings you into contact with. We’ve met so many wonderful people at book fairs, and, on occasion, got to work with them here at the University of Lincoln too. Angie Butler has become a regular collaborator with Philippa on her books, and runs (fantastic) book arts workshops with our students every year – and of course there’s Stephen Fowler, the go-to-guy for all your rubber stamping and primitive printing needs.
Stephen has now taken some time out from printing things to write a book on that very subject – and very good it is too. It made Barrie want to quit this crazy typography lark and start stamping.
With an introduction by Rob Ryan (praise indeed), the book covers all the materials and techniques you’ll need to start your own independent primitive print workshop.
The book is full of beautiful examples, experiments and suggestions as to how you might develop your own practice and is awash with delights. The Illustrations include some very nice ‘freeform repeat patterns’ by none other than Jantze Tullett too.
The book is available from Laurence King, or of course Amazon. We’d suggest that if you’re only going to buy one book this year, buy Typewriter Art: A Modern Anthology, but if you’re going to buy two books, buy Rubber Stamping as well.
Categorised in: book release, collaboration, education
This post was written by caseroom2020