October 19, 2014 10:24 am
Published by caseroom2020
Did we mention that Barrie wrote a book? Loukas Karnis has featured it on Typeroom, a site for the Glorification of Eclectic Typography: Barrie Tullett’s ten things you should know about Typewriter Art.Loukas was particularly impressed that the lecture Barrie gave at St Bride (From Q to M: Three Centuries of Typewriter Art), managed to include a section on joy that was Ultravox’s Vienna.For more about Loukas, you can see his Tumblr page here: http://loukask.tumblr.com/The central image from the screengrab above is the work of Lincoln Alumni, Kasha Dunne. Part of a beautiful sequence produced for the ISTD Student Awards back in the day. Barrie and Philippa are about to run the 2015 projects with their Second and Third year students. Here’s to them keeping up the Typographic Reputation of the School of Architecture & Design.No pressure then.
Categorised in: blog, International Society of Typographic Designers, typewriter
This post was written by caseroom2020