October 30, 2012 4:05 pm
Published by caseroom2020
We had the pleasure of attending the 8th By Leaves We Live Book Fair on Saturday. You can see Ken talking poetry and prose on our stall. The typewriter tower made it intact and the eight machines on display seemed to go down well. We collected a series of lovely typed statements and comments from both novice and experienced typists alike.Thanks to Nell Nelson for the photos.
A poster written by Ken and typeset by Barrie was on sale as a fundraiser for the Scottish Poetry Library. Get in touch quick, there might still be time to buy one…
The typewriters doing their thing. Ken’s still selling, Barrie’s ready to troubleshoot a tricky platen on the 1936 Royal and Alan Riddell’s Seasons’ Suite inspires a reader.What more could you ask for? (photo from the Scottish Poetry Library)
Categorised in: book fairs, talks
This post was written by caseroom2020