June 6, 2015 4:36 pm
Published by caseroom2020
Bloomsbury have recently published the second edition of The Layout Book, written by Gavin Ambrose and Paul Harris, and The Caseroom Press make no less than two appearances in its pages.Both Philippa and Barrie are (proud) members of the International Society of Typographic Designers and Barrie is on the Education Panel of the Student Awards Scheme. The assessment weekends making regular appearances in these blog pages.A number of his projects have been made it into the briefing packs – Circus, Tales to Change the Word, A Manifesto for the Art School, 4’33” and Flatland – A project that had its roots in his time teaching at The Glasgow School of Art, but has since come into its own at Lincoln; the project being run in a variety of guises across all three years of the undergraduate course.
Used as one of eight ‘exercises’ in the book, Flatland asked students to re-imagine the conventions of the book. The work chosen to show a successful solution was none other than our own Matt Crowe, a Lincoln graduate from 2011 who now works at Mynt Design in Leicester.
One of the original pages in all its two colour glory.
The Caseroom Press also worked on Rose Gridneff, Alexander Cooper and Andrew Haslam’s 6×6 Collaborative Letterpress Project (exercise 7). Philippa and Barrie joined forces with John Stocker (Programme Leader for MA Design Communication), and three students – Ryan Fisher, Ash Watkins and Leanne Kitchen. The Caseroom Press was chosen to represent Letterpress at Lincoln alongside 5 other institutions from across the UK (University of Brighton, Camberwell College of Arts, London College of Communication, Central Saint Martins College of Arts & Design and The Glasgow School of Art).Details of the 6×6 project can be found here.The International Society of Typographic Designers can be found here.And The Layout Book is available from Bloomsbury.
Categorised in: book release, collaboration, education, International Society of Typographic Designers, letterpress
This post was written by caseroom2020