December 6, 2017 7:13 pm
Published by caseroom2020

In September 2016 Philippa and Tamar MacLellan were invited to be part of an exhibition entitled Illuminating the discarded library (working title).The premise of the project was to select a book to alter from a collection of discarded library books previously housed within Christchurch College Library. Whilst they agreed to participate, neither artist was particularly interested in the altered book genre, therefore it was not until April this year that they began to develop the project. Having selected a pair of books The Windham Papers Volumes I and II* from the given list – they set out to explore whether or not working independently, to set of collaboratively devised rules and instructions, would affect or compromise creativity. Over an eight month period they took it in turns to each set an instruction, that used the book content as the basis for exploration and alteration.
The responses were made independently of each other and as the project developed each instruction enforced change upon the book in terms of form, function, appearance and identity. The whole process was recorded and can be seen on:https://meetinginthemiddleblog.wordpress.comThe books will be on display in the newly titled exhibition Ex Libris: Altered Books at Bucks County Museum, Aylesbury from 9 December 2017 – 24 February 2018
Categorised in: book release, collaboration, exhibitions
This post was written by caseroom2020