February 23, 2015 11:31 am
Published by caseroom2020
After a very long journey which included a delightful one hour stop-over in Newark, Barrie finally made it up to Edinburgh to join Alison Bowden and Ken Cockburn at the Fruitmarket Book Fair.With a table laden with delights, including Philippa’s new book There Is No Time and Barrie’s books, Perec and A Song for the Arts, they had a wonderful weekend of discussions, conversations, good company and even some sales. Philippa, as always led the way, with Jantze’s ‘jewel-like’ concertina books a close second.The Start Stop Manifesto was a popular visitor attraction, as was The Good Man, which was read by many a happy browserBarrie’s talk about Typewriter Art (he is peerless in his knowledge of the subject – it says so on the Fruitmarket Gallery website) must have gone well, as the book moved up to number 48 in the top 100 Graphic Design Books on Amazon afterwards.
Here he is in full flow. Notice that he’s working without his notes or his glasses. This means that either he a) forgot his notes, b) forgot his glasses, or c) he really is a Typewriter Art expert.
Showing Perec to Hazel Grainger from UWE (That’s David Faithfull on the stand next door)…
Categorised in: book fairs, book release, talks
This post was written by caseroom2020