December 2, 2012 10:17 pm
Published by caseroom2020
Eye magazine have noted us this month, which is a delight. The Onion Merz Poem Number 8 caught the mood of the week as its typewritten bellyband coincided with the last ever British-made typewriter leaving the Brother factory in Wrexham.Barrie would like to claim that this synergy was all to do with his ability to capture the mood of the moment… but he has to admit it wasn’t. Originally the snakebook was supposed to be slipped into a letterpressed envelope. Which Barrie bought, typeset and printed. At which point Philippa took one look at it and said ‘are you sure that envelope’s going to be big enough for those?’And the answer was? No it wasn’t. So, in order to get the book ready in time for the Scottish Poetry Library Book Fair (By Leaves We Live), he invented a plan B and typed up some bellybands instead.The rest as they say, is a happy accident.The Ghost in the Fog made another appearance too, on the pages of the International Design Observatory. It has a walk on part in a Thesis exploring non-linear narratives.
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This post was written by caseroom2020