August 28, 2015 8:30 am
Published by caseroom2020
According to the dictionary, migration can be defined as ‘movement from one part of something to another’. Which means that we can say, with some accuracy, that The Caseroom Press website has migrated from one part of Adobe’s software portfolio to another.Up until now, we’ve been using Barrie’s Poor.Old.Tired.Mac to run Adobe GoLive (CS2 – which dates back to 2005), in order to maintain and update the website. This was becoming more and more difficult to manage as the Poor.Old.Tired.Mac is a single processor G5 that runs Leopard and is also a Zombie Mac as it has several bits of other dead Macs inside it to keep it alive. Its internet connection is also increasingly erratic.So, as of last week, we’ve been learning Adobe Muse (CC) and yesterday we uploaded a completely new version of the site. The front page is a little more interesting, and the navigation is (hopefully) a little easier, as will be the site updates. Although of course, as with any migration, eventually you do end up somewhere pretty much the same as always, so regular visitors will find that the book pages themselves haven’t changed much.But. hopefully it’ll give us the opportunity to be a little more ambitious with the way we can present our books online.
Categorised in: miscellaneous
This post was written by caseroom2020
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