June 18, 2017 7:42 pm
Published by caseroom2020

This weekend the Caseroom Press were the proud hosts of the LENvention 5. This annual event instigated at UWE, Bristol by Angie Butler in 2012, brings together a small group of letterpress practitioners to share ideas and good practice whilst working together to produce a body of work. This year the theme was how we use our senses when negotiating a print workshop. The only parameters were 1. the finished book would be A2 folded to A3 – this enabled us to explore the potential of the Farley proofing press – and 2. We could only use materials and equipment found within the caseroom. Despite the small (but perfectly formed) Caseroom Press, and having to contend with the hottest weekend of the year, we managed to work effectively to produce a single edition loose leaf book, entitled Feeling for an edge, the book will eventually be case-bound.
Tags: andrew morrison, angie butler, elizabeth willow, hazel grainger, lucy guenot, lucy may schofield, rachel marsh
Categorised in: collaboration, LENvention, letterpress, typewriter, workshop
This post was written by caseroom2020