February 15, 2013 6:15 pm
Published by caseroom2020
four posts in one week. blimey.
So, a small parcel arrived recently at the Caseroom, the contents of which were found to be a lovingly wrapped, partially typed, till roll! The sender was artist Elizabeth Willow who we met last year when she and collaborator Jonathan Raisin visited Lincoln as part of their community project – Something Wonderful. At our first meeting we set up a typing pool, and produced work in response to their something wonderful theme; the till roll was a result of that meeting and is to be part of an ongoing project between Elizabeth and Philippa. The roll will be sent back and forth until the end is reached and we have a completed list of wonderful things. It could take some time.
Categorised in: collaboration, typewriter
This post was written by caseroom2020
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