June 30, 2014 2:00 pm
Published by caseroom2020
We recently started work on a collaborative project that Barrie, Philippa, Jantze and Brian (Voce) have been invited to take part in. Artist Allyson Strafella (who is based in Hudson, New York) co-curates ‘Incident Report’, a public art space set up in a shop front. The premise is that we will produce a body of work that will be posted out across the Atlantic and this will (hopefully) then evoke a response from Allyson and her fellow artists in the US, and thus the project will move to and fro across the water. Our starting point was an 1848 map of Lincoln and a square of the map picked at random; and so a visual exploration of our city has begun.
Part of our first selected square section
The incident report window – our proposed exhibition space
Categorised in: collaboration
This post was written by caseroom2020