June 2, 2014 11:28 am
Published by caseroom2020
Sorry it’s been a while since we last posted, but pressures of our day jobs has meant time has been rather limited; that’s not to say we haven’t been busy at the Caseroom. Here in short is what we’ve been up to:
Jantze Tullett had an exhibition of her work at the Sam Scorer Gallery in Lincoln. She was exhibiting both her ink drawings and printmaking pieces. Alongside this she produced a series of concertina books containing work drawn from the various themes she has been exploring (available from Big Cartel). Jantze has collaborated with Philippa before, on the Inherited Sewing Box and The Washing Line Book.Philippa has had two of her books (Delia taught me to cook and Objects of others) purchased by Sarah Bodman at UWE for their library collection. Details of her work are also featured in the May/June edition of ARLIS.http://www.arlis.org.uk
There have been further reviews of Barrie’s wonderful book – namely the design observer and brain pickings – see links below.http://observatory.designobserver.com/rickpoynor/http://www.brainpickings.org/
Categorised in: collections, exhibitions, letterpress, reviews, typewriter
This post was written by caseroom2020