October 21, 2015 8:22 pm
Published by caseroom2020
A new gallery space for contemporary art has opened in Brussels; the Société. A former factory (the Société Bruxelloise d’electricité), built in the early 1930s, the first exhibition intends to create a dialogue between contemporary digital art and 1960 concept art, ‘through the common denominator of semantics’.The invited artists are Cory Arcangel, Aram Bartholl, Vuc Cosic, Alec de Busschere, Alessandro de Francesco, Sebastien Delvaux, Gabriele de Vietri, Frederic Fourdinier, Jason Huff, LAb[au], jan Robert Leegte, Jurg Lehni, Caroline le Mehaute, Michel Mazzoni, Steven Pippin, Studio Nand, Marius Watz and our very own Barrie Tullett, who made a special edition of the Poem to Philip Glass for the exhibition.

The exhibition is on until the 19th December.
Thanks to Cecilie Bjørgås Jordhiem for photographs of the Poem to Philip Glass.
Categorised in: concrete poetry, exhibitions, installation, poetry, typewriter, Uncategorized
This post was written by caseroom2020