Product details
• Concept, Design and Production: Tamar
MacLellan and Philippa Wood
• Format: 38 pp concertina
• Size: 105 x 150mm
• Publisher: The Caseroom Press
• Production method: mixed media
• Publication date: August 2016
• Price: £45 each
• Limited edition: 8
• Available from: Philippa Wood.
Book description
Meeting in the Middle is a collaborative project between Tamar MacLellan and Philippa Wood documenting the 88 mile Jurassic Way walk linking the two historic market towns of Banbury and Stamford – the home towns of MacLellan and Wood respectively. The collaboration examines both the physical and creative journey that enabled the two artists to meet in the middle.
Researching a 44 mile section each, MacLellan working from the southern point to the middle, and Wood from the north, 36 villages are investigated.
The village’s social history is the focus of the project with each location being represented by a singular portrait. The final artists’ book is a series of 36 A6 postcards, sewn together as a concertina fold and contained within wooden covers (a reference to the wooden signposting of the Jurassic Way). The postcards utilise found imagery, collage, letterpress, relief and screen-printing, foiling, free stitching and embellishment to represent each ‘portrait’. The story of each person is re-told on the reverse.