April 16, 2017 12:50 pm
Published by caseroom2020
Eye magazine recently uploaded a post about Barrie’s Typographic Dante.The piece talks about the starting point for the project – which began when he was a final year student at the Chelsea School of Art, way back in 1989.
The first roughs and preparatory sketches for Canto I.
Planning the Letterpress overprints in detail.
The original ‘note to self’, which led to a project that has carried on over the next 28 years (and counting).The Typographic Dante is on display at the National Museum of Print, Dublin, until Wednesday 19th April and the exhibition has recently been reviewed by newsfour.ie.
Categorised in: blog, collaboration, concrete poetry, dante, exhibitions, letterpress, poetry, typewriter, typography
This post was written by caseroom2020