April 28, 2013 9:33 am
Published by caseroom2020
Those of you who follow our work, will know that Barrie doesn’t actually ‘make’ that many books. He sends them to press when funding allows, and he’s rather in awe of Philippa when it comes to the whole the making thing.But.He’s made a book, and he made it in time for both the B.A.B.E. and Fruitmarket bookfairs too.Music With Changing Parts is a continuation of his visual investigation into the music of Philip Glass. The limited edition concertina pages have a different image sequence within each of the nine books.
In other news, we’ve added an ‘ephemera’ page to the website. Freshly open for the sale of prints and cards, with a poster section to follow.
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This post was written by caseroom2020